Organisation comitee
JOBIM 2019 is jointly proposed by SFBI, GDR BIM and IFB, with the support of the University of Nantes, Inserm, CNRS, Ecole Centrale, INRA for the organization
The Société Française de BioInformatique (SFBI) was created in 2005 to promote multidisciplinary and inter-disciplinary research in Bioinformatics, at the interface between Molecular Biology, Informatics, Mathematics and Physics. |
GDR 3003 Molecular Bioinformatics (BIM) is an INS2I (CNRS) animation GDR. Its scientific field covers all computer and mathematical approaches for the processing of information related to biological molecules. |
The Institut Français de Bioinformatique (IFB) is the national bioinformatics service infrastructure created as part of the national "Investments in the Future" programme. It pools, supports and coordinates the development of resources and activities to support research on bioinformatics platforms dependent on public research organizations (CNRS, INRA, INRIA, CEA and INSERM), universities, CIRAD, and the Institut Pasteur et Curie. |
Université de Nantes |
In 50 years, the University of Nantes has brought training, innovation and research to the highest level. Today, it is noticed, both in France and abroad, by the intensity of its development. This ambition is embodied in our most revealing and modest successes and in the dynamism of our employees who invest themselves daily in their establishment.
Created in 1964, Inserm is a public scientific and technological institution, placed under the dual supervision of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Research. Dedicated to biological, medical and human health research, it covers the entire spectrum from the research laboratory to the patient's bedside. On the international scene, it is the partner of the largest institutions involved in the challenges and scientific progress in these fields. |
The only French multidisciplinary research organization, the CNRS is a key player in international research and a recognized innovator. Excellence, freedom of research, transdisciplinarity and valorisation of results are all values of the institution at the service of research that is open to economic and social issues. |
Ecole Centrale |
In line with the grandes écoles d'ingénieurs généralistes, Centrale Nantes, founded in 1919, trains polyvalent engineers of the highest scientific and technical level, endowed with a solid managerial culture, capable of placing scientific subjects in a global context integrating environmental and societal issues. |
At the heart of a major agricultural, horticultural and agri-food basin in Europe, the INRA Pays de la Loire centre has built its identity around the sustainable management of the health of agricultural production (crops and animals), the sustainable processing of agro-bioresources (food and materials) and the health and nutritional quality of food. These themes address human health issues |
JOBIM 2019 is supported by a local organizing committee

- Audrey Bihouée (l'institut du thorax)
- Damien Eveillard (LS2N)
- Isabelle Alves (l'institut du thorax)
- Agnes Basseville (CRCINA)
- Jérémie Bourdon (LS2N)
- Karine Cantele (LS2N)
- Grégory Carrier (IFREMER)
- Samuel Chaffron (LS2N)
- Eric Charpentier (l'institut du thorax)
- Benjamin Churcheward (LS2N)
- Hélène Chiapello (SFBI)
- Erwan Delage(LS2N)
- Christian Dina (l'institut du thorax)
- Solenne Dumont (l'institut du thorax)
- Axelle Durand (CRTI)
- Guillaume Fertin (LS2N)
- Adrien Foucal (l'institut du thorax)
- Victor Gaborit (CRCINA)
- Alban Gaignard (l'institut du thorax)
- Matthieu Giraud (CRTI)
- Sophie Girault (LS2N)
- Pierre-Antoine Gourraud (CRTI)
- Elodie Guidon (LS2N)
- Carito Guziolowski (LS2N)
- Julie Haguait (LS2N)
- Géraldine Jean (LS2N)
- Matilde Karakachoff (CHU)
- Abdelhalim Larhlimi (LS2N)
- Solena Le Scouarnec (l'institut du thorax)
- Sébastien Leuillet (Biofortis)
- Sophie Limou (CRTI)
- Pierre Lindenbaum (l'institut du thorax)
- Dimitri Meistermann (CRTI)
- Stéphane Minvielle (CRCINA)
- Jérémie Poschmann (CRTI)
- Richard Redon (l'institut du thorax)
- Jennifer Rondineau (CRCINA)
- Bruno Saint-Jean (IFREMER)
- Aurélien Serandour (CRCINA)
- Floriane Simonet (l'institut du thorax)
- Dominique Tessier (INRA BIA)
- Raluca Teusan (l'institut du thorax)
- Camille Trottier (LS2N)
- Nicolas Vince (CRTI)